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Saturday, 2 March 2013

New pharmacological targets in the microcirculation

A joint symposium organized by the British Pharmacological Society and the British Microcirculation Society on 'New pharmacological targets in the microcirculation' will take place from 9.30am - 12.30pm on Thursday 19th December 2013. The Symposium is being organised by BMS members Professor Donald Singer, University of Warwick, Professor Nicola Brown, University of Sheffield and Professor Christopher Garland, University of Oxford [DS and CG are also BPS members].

This is one of the 10 symposia taking planned for Pharmacology 2013 - the next BPS annual winter meeting, to be held Tuesday 17th - Thursday 19th December, 2013  at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London.
Pharmacology 2013 website

Download microcirculation symposium programme 

See more on the programme, abstract submission and registration on Professor Singer's blog.