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Friday, 13 July 2012

Student views on MicroCirc2012

A series of posts from the MicroCirc2012 conference at Keble College Oxford, 4-6 July, co-organized by the British Microcirculation Society and the US Microcirculatory Society.

Keble Conference Centre - 5th July, 2012
Here are the impressions of Bristol University undergraduate student Josephine Whitney who presented a poster at MicroCirc2012.

The BMS conference in Oxford was my first of hopefully many conferences that I will attend (undergraduate). It was a fantastic experience; not only were we fortunate enough to stay in Keble college itself, but were privileged enough to see Investigators' presentations of their most recent work and novel findings. 

It was a great opportunity to meet similar people in the field from all over the world. My partner and I presented our first poster which wasn't as daunting as we'd anticipated as everyone was so friendly. I hope to return next year to see how everyone's research has progressed!

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